11月4日 | 吴学渊:Discrete-Time Risk Model with Time-Varying Premiums: Analysis of Ruin Probabilities

时    间:2024年11月04日13:30 - 15:00

地    点:普陀校区理科大楼A1714



摘   要:

Our paper explores a discrete-time risk model with time-varying premiums, investigating two types of correlated claims: main claims and by-claims. Settlement of the by-claims can be delayed for up to two time periods, representing real-world insurance practices. We examine a premium principle based on reported claims, using recursively computable finite-time ruin probabilities to evaluate the performance of time-varying premiums. Our findings suggest that, under specific assumptions, a higher probability of by-claim settlement delays leads to lower ruin probabilities. Moreover, a stronger correlation between main claims and their associated by-claims results in higher ruin probabilities.


