9月24日 | 邹长亮:Algorithm-Agnostic Post Changepoint Detection Inference

时    间:2024-09-24 (周二)16:00 -17:00

地    点:普陀校区理科大楼A1514

报告人:邹长亮 南开大学教授

主持人:周勇 华东师范大学教授

摘   要:

In multiple changepoint analysis, assessing the uncertainty of detected changepoints is crucial for enhancing detection reliability—a topic that has garnered significant attention. Despite advancements through selective p-values, current methodologies often rely on stringent assumptions tied to specific models and algorithms, potentially compromising the accuracy of post-detection statistical inference. We introduce TUNE (Thresholding Universally and Nullifying change Effect), a novel algorithm-agnostic approach that uniformly controls error probabilities across detected changepoints. TUNE sets a universal threshold for multiple test statistics, applicable across a wide range of algorithms, and directly controls the family-wise error rate without the need for selective p-values. Through extensive theoretical and numerical analyses, TUNE demonstrates versatility, robustness, and competitively power, offering a viable and reliable alternative for model-agnostic post-detection inference.


