讲座时间:6月5日(周二)上午 10:00-11:00
报告题目:New Tests for Equality of Several Covariance Functions for Functional Data
报告人:Jin-Ting Zhang (Department of Statistics and Applied Probability,National University of Singapore)
In this paper, we propose two new tests for the equality of the covariance functions of several functional populations, namely a quasi GPF test and a quasi Fmax test whose test statistics are obtained via Globalizing aPoint-wise quasi F-test statistic with integration and taking itssupremum over some time interval of interest, respectively. Unlike severalexisting tests, they are scale-invariant in the sense that their teststatistics will not change if we multiply each of the observed functions byany non-zero function of time. We derive the asymptotic random expressionsof the two tests under the null hypothesis and show that under some mildconditions,the asymptotic null distribution of the quasi GPF test is achi-squared-type mixture whose distribution can be well approximated by asimple scaled chi-squared distribution. We also propose a random permutationmethod for approximating the null distributions of the quasiGPF and Fmaxtests. The asymptotic distributions of the two tests under a localalternativeare alsoinvestigated and the two testsare shown to beroot-n consistent. A theoreticalpower comparisonbetweenthe quasi GPFtest and the L2-norm based test proposed in the literature is also given.Simulation studies are presented to demonstrate the finite-sampleperformance ofthe new tests againstfive existing tests. An illustrativeexample is also presented. (This is a joint work with Drs. Jia Guo and BuZhou)