
11月13日:李建波 | Risk-adjusted Monitoring of Surgical Performance



题目:Risk-adjusted Monitoring of Surgical Performance

主讲人:李建波 江苏师范大学数学与统计学院副教授


We propose a nonparametric risk-adjusted cumulative sum chart to monitor surgical outcomes for patients with different risks of post-operative mortality due to risk factors that exist before the surgery. Using varying-coefficient logistic regression models, we accomplish the risk adjustment.  Unknown coefficient functions are estimated by global polynomial spline approximation based on the maximum likelihood principle. We suggest a bisection minimization approach and a bootstrap method to determine the chart testing limit value. Compared with the previous (parametric) risk-adjusted cumulative sum chart, a major advantage of our method is that the morality rate can be modeled more flexibly by related covariates, which significantly enhances the monitoring efficiency. Simulations demonstrate nice performance of our proposed procedure. An application to a UK cardiac surgery dataset illustrates the use of our methodology.


